This 13″ EIGHT ARM TREE PERC BEAKER is the perfect combination of function and quality. As with all Diamond Glass, the craftsmanship on this bong is spectacular and features a colored bottom beaker. It also features and 8 arm tree perc for extra, extra smooth hits! 14mm joint size for this bong.
Medicali’s top shelf 13” Double Stack 8Tree Perc Beaker. For the High Roller that wants nothing but the best. Comes with 2 chambers of 8 separate tree-style percolators to give you the smoothest hit possible. Also included are the matching 14mm Downstem and Bowl.
Is e bong dìreach 13″ àrd a tha seo le dà sheòmar. Tha an aon chriathrag cridhe taidhrichean anns gach seòmar. Tha e coltach ri craobh perc bong no luaithre bong leis nach eil àite ann airson a’ cheò. Mar sin tha e furasta faighinn gu buille rèidh nuair tha barrachd gàirdeanan sìoltachain chraobhan ann agus tha a’ cheò air a tharraing a-steach do na sgamhanan nas luaithe Bidh perc na craoibhe a’ toirt air a’ cheò a bhith a’ sruthadh gu tur san uisge.
- +44 7861 661091
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- https://caliweedukconnect.com